Grants and Funding
Grant and Funding Opportunities
The Platelet Society offers a number of small grants for reseachers. These are described in more detail, including submission data and links to forms in the tabs below.
For general enquires on grants, please email us at
The Platelet Society was established to promote excellence in research, education and public awareness of platelet biology in human health and disease.
Thanks to a recent award from the ISTH London 2022 legacy funds, the Platelet Society will be offering a range of awards including summer studentships, outreach and education grants, skills transfer grants and clinical audits. These awards will allow us to drive forward the following Society principles:
- To support the development and training of platelet scientists at early stage of their career (ECRs)
- To support education and outreach activities of the Society to increase awareness of platelet-related diseases, and to better engage with patients
- To support research into platelets, platelet-based disorders and platelet-related diseases.
All funding opportunities will be via a formal application process, with peer review administered by a Platelet Society Awards Committee. Each Award committee will include an executive committee member, a member of the Board of Trustees, reviewers from our Awards Review panel (listed below), at least 1 ECR reviewer and a lay member.
For more information about each funding opportunity, please visit the corresponding Awards tab for more details.
In line with our EDI principles, the Platelet Society is committed to building a diverse and inclusive community. Applications for, and awards of, all of the grants will be reviewed during the peer review and awards process by the Society’s Executive committee awards, and EDI representatives. This will ensure our initiatives are supporting individuals of all backgrounds, and are inclusive to all underrepresented groups.
Platelet Society Awards committee
- Dr Ahmed Aburima – University of Hull
- Dr Alice Pollitt – University of Reading
- Dr Harriet Allan (ECR) – Queen Mary’s University London
- Professor Ingeborg Hers – University of Bristol
- Dr Kirk Taylor – University of Reading
- Dr Luis Moran (ECR) – University of Bristol,
- Dr Mike Emerson – Imperial College London
- Professor Robert Ariens – University of Leeds
- Dr Sarah Jones – Manchester Metropolitan University
- Dr Will Parker – Clinician, University of Sheffield