Nominations for committee members now open
The inaugural AGM of the Platelet Society will be held on Thursday 12th September in Cambridge during the Plalelet Society Meeting. As part of the AGM we will be presenting our annual report to highlight our activities over the last two years, presenting the society accounts and electing new members of the society committee.
This year a number of committee members will complete their terms of office and so we have several positions available. Specifically, three ordinary committee members and two Early Career Researcher (ECR) members – role descriptors for these positions can be found here (Committee roles_Final).
Given this is our first AGM we wanted to take the opportunity to highlight the procedures related to nomination and election of members.
To nominate yourself to be placed on the ballot requires completion of a nomination form (form available here). You are also able to nominate others to become part of the committee, but please ensure you have sought their permission in advance. All nominees must be members of the Platelet Society (become a member here). The nominations for committee membership are open now and will remain open until Midday on Thursday 12th September.
In the first afternoon session of the Society meeting there will be a brief presentation to notify all attendees of the individuals who are standing for the election. This information will also be hosted on our webpage to ensure those not attending the meeting are aware of the candidates.
Voting will take place via the voting form which will be sent to all members by email when voting opens (we will also display the link at the meeting). Members will be able to cast votes between 1pm Thursday 12th and 1pm Friday 13th September, with each member having two votes, one for the ordinary member positions and one for ECR positions. All candidates will be ranked according to the number of votes they receive and the top three ordinary members and top two ECR members will be elected. The committee Chair will only vote in the event of a tie.
We will announce the results of the elections in the final session of the society meeting.
If you have any queries please email
We look forward to seeing you in Cambridge!