Preliminary program and registration rates will be available soon. Registration will open January 15. Abstract submission opens on April 15.
EUPLAN: the EUROPEAN PLATELET NETWORK European cooperation on platelet science
Leading research on platelet structure and biology, undertaken by many laboratories in Europe, requires intensive and structural collaboration between basic science and clinical research groups. The European Platelet Network (EUPLAN) has been founded to promote and facilitate this collaboration.
EUPLAN is a continuation and extension of earlier initiatives for meetings and symposia of European groups interested in platelet biology:
the German and European Platelet Meeting, held 1986 -2010
the Erfurt & Nottingham Platelet Conference, organized in 1984-2010
the UK Platelet Meeting, held in 1998-present.
In 2010, participating scientists decided to form a modern supra-national structure, which brings together leading groups working on different aspects of platelet structure and biology. The network EUPLAN coordinates the organization of a biannual European Platelet Conference as an essential forum for presentation and discussion of preliminary data, and actively promotes the scientific formation of younger researchers through the organization of thematic schools and practical courses.
Furthermore, EUPLAN provides a forum for effective translation of basic knowledge on platelet biology to the clinics and patients. By supporting short term exchange of researchers among the different participants it stimulates the sharing of tools, technologies, expertise, animal models, patient and genetic databases.
The 4th EUPLAN conference: will be held in Bruges, Belgium (September 19-21, 2018)
– organizer Hans Deckmyn, Karen Vanhoorelbeke and Simon De Meyer.
For detailed information and registration please visit the congress web site
Preliminary program and registration rates will be available soon.
Registration will open January 15.
Abstract submission opens on April 15.
European cooperation on platelet science
Leading research on platelet structure and biology, undertaken by many laboratories in Europe, requires intensive and structural collaboration between basic science and clinical research groups. The European Platelet Network (EUPLAN) has been founded to promote and facilitate this collaboration.
EUPLAN is a continuation and extension of earlier initiatives for meetings and symposia of European groups interested in platelet biology:
In 2010, participating scientists decided to form a modern supra-national structure, which brings together leading groups working on different aspects of platelet structure and biology. The network EUPLAN coordinates the organization of a biannual European Platelet Conference as an essential forum for presentation and discussion of preliminary data, and actively promotes the scientific formation of younger researchers through the organization of thematic schools and practical courses.
Furthermore, EUPLAN provides a forum for effective translation of basic knowledge on platelet biology to the clinics and patients. By supporting short term exchange of researchers among the different participants it stimulates the sharing of tools, technologies, expertise, animal models, patient and genetic databases.
Related Events
7th EUPLAN International conference
September 17 @ 8:00 am - September 19 @ 5:00 pm